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Suggested Topics for Discussion

Ouled Djellal English Club
Fortnight’s meeting       Duration : One Hour and a Half
Suggested Topics for Discussion :

1-    We choose a particular topic for discussion :
Examples : Effective strategies of teaching and learning / Time management……..
2-We read an article / essay / story / a short passage together followed by a discussion
3-We can state some problems that are faced / raised by teachers or students .We exchange opinions about how to settle them.
4-We can read paragraphs from a book(each time a teacher suggests a particular book) followed by   a discussion
5-Each time we point a speaker to deliver a lecture for 15/20 minutes followed by a discussion.
6-We prepare activities that will be presented /exhibited outside (secondary schools amphitheatres/libraries...)
We are waiting for your participation  in our blogspot: 
Would you please      send us :
Lessons/Tips/Paragraphs/Essays/Stories/Excercises/ Riddles/Biographies/Quotations/Pieces of Advise/Personal Experience in Teaching/…………to :

 OR     TO:

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